Monday, September 30, 2019

Are Child Proof Containers Really Child Proof??

Are Childproof containers really childproof Not really or you could say that they are (semi) child proofing but I say no! To me if 5-10 children can et the so called childproof container top off te its not childproof. Their not really childproof if the child can bang it on a hard surface for a while and manage to get the top off. A child can really get the cap off a pill bottle by throwing it or banging it on a hard surface cause I've seen it before i started this research and with one of my test subjects.The containers aren't child proof they're just a little tougher for old people to get them open and child resistant. I chose to this project cause I wanted to know : 1. What were childproof containers invented to prevent? 2. How does childproof containers work? 3. Are childproof containers really childproof? 4. Can a young child learn to open a childproof container? I went into this project wanting to know the answers to these questions. So I did this by gathering four â€Å"childp roof† containers and cleaning them thoroughly and sanitizing them .I gathered a cough medicine botle, prescription pill bottle, a toilet bowl cleaner bottle, a over the counter pill bottle, a cleaning supplies spray bottle, disposable gloves, test subjects, stop watch, masking tape, a permenant marker, a lab notebook, and graphing paper. With all this I tested a good amount of toddlers around the age 5-6 to see if they could get the childproof tops off the containers. I gave each subject a minute to open each container and if they couldnt get it open I showed them how to open it without any verbal contact and giving them another minute and a second try to open it.After testing all of the subjects I saw that many struggled trying to open the toilet bowl cleaner bottle and the aspirin container. Children that age, know that a way to get the top off a container is to twist. Many of my subjects didn't get the top off the toilet bowl cleaner nor the aspirin pill bottle. These two c ontainers need a little more than just a twist. The toilet bowl cleaner needs weight pushed on the top and then a twist.On the aspirin the two triangles are needed to be lined up and the kids don't know why the triangles are there so I didn't expect any to get that top off but a few proved me wrong. So when I saw them open it I was stunned! Some just twisted the top until the triangles luckily lined up and the top was eligible of being open. But test subject 18 opened it with seriously with no problem! In my mind I'm like okay who taught you that or are you at home just randomly being allowed to play with pill bottles at home? I really wanted to ask the fella but I said nawl its none of my business.On the other hand some of the kids just used the twisting the top to get the tops off. The pharmacy pill bottle and the cleaning supplies spray bottle is what the kids didn't have a problem getting off. Parents nowadays tend to let their children play with these containers cause their sup posingly â€Å"child proof†. Parents fail to realize that only some child proof containers are really childproof while the others are selling a lie. Due to these tops posing as a childproof top over 1 million children are accidently poisoned every year.These containers are false and the company should run test to make sure for a fact that they are a childproof top. Parents think the safety cap is going to give 100 percent security. They don't know how easily little kids can get into things like. Every 7 minutes a child is rushed to the emergency room because they are unintentionally poisoned. These containers play not only a role in the company but also in the parent/gaurdian or whomever is around at the time cause if the child isn't being watched then there ain't no telling what that child will get into.According to Consumer Product Safety Commission only keep out about 80 percent of the children under the age 5. The government isn't being hard enough when it comes to issues like this. If the government was harder on things like this then companies would change the way the tops on these containers are made. Once the companies change the way the tops are made by making them tougher to open then you'll have a lesser percentage of kids accidentally getting poisoned.Everything starts with the government but the company should want to change it if they see that their tops aren't as childproof as they think they are. Companies must realize that these things are life threatening and isn't a joke. A recent study showed that children as young as 2 can get into these containers. So what that tell you. Parents also need to realize that these tops are not child proof only child resistant. After doing this project I realize that all these containers posing of what they aren't. Not child proof but child resistant.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Principles and Theories of ethics Essay

In their quest to seek for solutions on ethical issues, human beings have constantly been formulating theories. These theories form an important point from where any investigation should be launched. As people invent new ideas or even improve on the current existing ideas, more challenges and complications come up. This has been observed in the modern world where scientific advancement has seemed to dominate in every field of knowledge. Among these fields of scientific inventions is the medical field which many people have believed to reduce the mortality rate and at the same time increased the life expectancy among many people in the world. Despite all these, fertility rate has seemed to reduce among the people while the terminal illnesses have been rapidly increasing. It is this reason that many doctors and medical practitioners have joined hands to look for long lasting solutions to these problems. Some of these solutions have been unearthed, which include the use of stem cells in treating patients with these problems. This has however raised many questions especially on issues concerning ethical justifications. This paper therefore examines two of such works that were carried out by Dr Shroff and Dr. Kerkis as reported in articles entitled ‘mice have been used to make human sperm’ and ‘Stem cell treatment lets Aussie breathe’ respectively. (http://www. news. com. au/perthnow/story/0,21598,23768047-5012754,00. html ; http://search. news. com. au/search? us=ndmperthnow&sid=5012760&as=NEWS. WORLD. CANDSAMERICA&ac=TST&q=Mice%20to%20replace%20men%20as%20sperm%20donors ) According to Rainbow C, there exist four principles of ethics. These include; least harm, justice beneficence and respect for autonomy. According to the principle to the principle of least harm, it is prudent to make a choice that will harm the least number of people. The choice made should also result to the least harm to the people involved. In the modern world, there are so many men who are willing to have children but unable because their sperms are not viable. According to the research, there is still hope for couples who experience such problems. The use of mice in production of human sperms therefore adheres to the principle of least harm and thus justices the use of mice in production of viable human sperms. The extraction of the dental pulp from teeth is however harmful but there harm is less as compared to the inability of a man to produce viable sperms. (http://www. bio. davidson. edu/people/kabernd/Indep/carainbow/Theories. htm ) The principle of justice on the other hand encourages actions that are fair to the concerned. Such a decision should be consistent and based on logic unless justified otherwise by existence of justified extenuating circumstances. In the case of mice and human sperm cells production, it should be noted that the men are first given the opportunity to try their best to get children in the natural way. Professional medical practitioners who exploit any other alternative of dealing with such a situation confirm their inability. The couples are finally given the chance to choose what is good for them and thus the use of mice is only for those who are willing. This therefore adheres to the principle of justice. Dr Kerkis has also made it clear that she first used stem cells from dental pulp that was extracted from ‘a male donor’. It therefore means that the process is justified by the adhearing to the principle of justice since the consent of the concerned was first sought. (http://www. lancs. ac. uk/fss/resources/ethics/theories. htm ; http://www. trinity. edu/cbrown/intro/ethical_theories. html) According to beneficence principle, people must do all that is seen to be good. Just like the utility principle, it is always advisable to maximize what is good and minimize the evil. It is very true to say that the greater the amounts of good that people do, the more the benefits. According to this principle, production of viable human sperm cells by mice will do well to those who are unable. Apart from improving the psychological health of the concerned, it will also strengthen family bonds that may otherwise be weakened by the inability to get children especially in those communities where children are highly valued as an important ingredient in a happy marriage. (http://www. trinity. edu/cbrown/intro/ethical_theories. html ) According to the principle of respect for autonomy, it is very important to ‘allow people to reign over themselves and to be able to make decisions that apply to their lives ’. This is based on the fact that only an individual can understand why he/she chooses a particular lifestyle. Since every human being must be respected, any decision, especially that which involves intimate issues, must come from him. In order to do so, he must get enough information in the consequences and finally, his consent must be obtained. The reason is because every human being has hisher emotions and motivations that heshe understands from hisher own life experiences. It is the right for every person to lead a life style that he she actually enjoys in which the control over it is vested in hisher decision. It is however important to realize that there exists two perspectives of autonomy respects; paternalists and libertarians views. According to paternalistics, ‘an authority prioritizes a dependent person’s best interests over the dependent person’s wishes’. In the case of mice and human sperms, since the man is aware of his inability to produce viable sperms even though he may wish to have children, he has the freedom to choose to live without them. If he decides so and realizes more satisfaction without the children than using mice to produce viable sperms, he becomes libertarian. When his wife and medical practitioner convinces him to use mice to get children, the principle of autonomy is violated and he becomes a paternalistic since his wish may not be based on the use of mice in producing the viable sperms even though his interest is to get children. Libertarian perspective is therefore observed when the person’s wish is prioritized over hisher best interest. The person maintains hisher autonomy over hisher decision. (Allan J. Kimmel, 1988, pp. 42) In the case of stem cells treatment for the paralyzed man is Australia, the principle of least harm is violated since the extraction of the embryonic stem cells will cost the life of the unborn child irregardless of whether the concerned woman’s consent was given or not. Human life ideally begins after fertilization and it is wrong to deprive the unborn of its right to live in favor of a person who has already had the chance to be born. If such actions were to be encouraged, many people will never live to be born and this will cause more harm than treating the paralyzed people especially if Dr Shroff’s vision is to be realized as expressed by her hopes â€Å"her technology would be made available around the world to patients suffering from incurable diseases and terminal conditions. † Dr Shroff’s technology also contradicts the principle of justice. The fact that there are many incurable diseases and terminal conditions that may be cured using embryonic stem cells does not justify the act of depriving the unborn the right to life. It will therefore be an act of injustice to deprive the unborn of their right to life. The only extenuating circumstance should be when the woman’s pregnancy threatens the life of both the unborn and its mother. The doctor’s advice should be sought and any alternative exploited before the decision to terminate the pregnancy and donate the embryonic stem cells is arrived. It should be realized however that this would result to paternalistic autonomy. Dr Shroff’s technology will also violate the principle of beneficence. This is because the embryo will not benefit in any way from the act of donating its stem cells. The embryo itself cannot give permission to donate the stem cells. The principle of autonomy is not spared either. The patient may enjoy a paternalistic autonomy but the embryo, which is indeed a human being does not have autonomy to decide on whether to donate the stem cells or not . For a person to make any sound decision on any issue, the principles however form the basis of ethical themes. According to rainbow C, there are five major ethical theories. These include virtual ethical theory, deontological theory, casuist theory and utilitarianism ethical theory. (http://www. bio. davidson. edu/people/kabernd/Indep/carainbow/Theories. htm ) According to virtual ethical theory, a person is not judged through his/her actions but through his/her character. An action may not necessary indicate a persons normal behavior since behavior and action are normally conflicting. It is however important to observe an individual’s reputation, motivation and morals while making any judgment on any behavior that may seem to be unusual, irregular or unethical. It should however be observed that any individuals change of character is not put into consideration in this theory. This theory justifies the use of embryonic stem cells in the treatment of paralyzed patients. The assumption is that the doctors and the medical practitioners who actually carry out the process of extracting and injecting the stem cells into his/her victims body are people who are trusted and socially approved by the members of the community. Their character justifies their actions and thus they should not be questioned about what they do as long as a patient’s life is saved. The act of extracting the embryonic stem cells cannot be used to prove the doctor as guilty of murder as long as his/her record of accomplishment in this profession of medicine is clean. According to Rainbow C, the society’s rights are ethically correct and must be protected and prioritized while making any decision. All societies’ rights are ethically valid because the majority in any society endorses them. Those who have the power and resources may bestow rights upon people. The society is therefore responsible for deciding on what should be considered as a society is right. The issue of mice producing viable human sperm cells may not be welcomed by many societies. This is because many people do not think that human beings and animals especially the mice can share sperm cells. A child produced by such sperms may be isolated from the other people and this may cause more suffering and harm to it than good. Termination of human life is also unacceptable in the society. This is evident in countries where Christianity is the dominant religion. If the use of contraceptives is criminalized in such societies, it is even worse to extract embryonic stem cells to treat paralyzed people or even those with terminal illnesses. In such societies, everybody has the right to live and those people who are already born should seek medication incase of any ailment but not to destroy a life in order to save themselves. (http://www. bio. davidson. edu/people/kabernd/Indep/carainbow/Theories. htm ) According to deontological theory, people’s obligation and duties that have been assigned to them should guide them in the process of solving ethical dilemmas. By so doing, the person is believed to have done what was ethically correct. Doctors should help sick people. In this case, sickness refers to any abnormal functioning or dysfunctional of any body organ. Those people who cannot produce viable sperm cells should seek medical attention and the doctors have a duty and obligation to ensure that such people can get children. The theory therefore justifies Dr Kerkis and Dr Shroff’s actions. It is a doctor’s obligation to ensure that all incurable diseases and terminal conditions are adequately dealt with. The casuist ethical theory is based on the assumption that the current dilemma in question can be successfully solved in a similar way to previously solved dilemmas. This theory therefore compares the current ethical problem with past and similar ethical dilemmas that were successfully solved. It therefore justifies Dr Kerkis and Dr Shroff’s actions since their previous works as medical practitioners have been reported to bare good fruits. It however fails to acknowledge that a similar ethical dilemma may not have been witnessed before. (http://www. medscape. com/viewarticle/505222_2 ; http://www. bio. davidson. edu/people/kabernd/Indep/carainbow/Theories. htm ) The utilitarianism ethical theory supports any choice that produces the most benefit to most people. Such a choice is seen to be ethically correct. This theory therefore foresees the outcome of an act and judges it based on the benefits that are likely to accrue. There are two types of utilitarianism. These include act utilitarian and rule utilitarianism. According to rainbow c, â€Å" In act utilitarianism, a person performs the acts that benefit the most people, regardless of personal feelings or the societal constraints such as laws. Rule utilitarianism, however, takes into account the law and is concerned with fairness. A rule utilitarian seeks to benefit the most people but through the fairest and most just means available. Therefore, added benefits of rule utilitarianism are that it values justice and includes beneficence at the same time† (http://www. bio. davidson. edu/people/kabernd/Indep/carainbow/Theories. htm ) Two or more of these ethical theories should be combined in order to make the best ethical decision. For instance, I would solve Dr Kerkis dilemma by applying utilitarianism ethical theory, rights ethical theory and casuist ethical theory. I would also solve Dr Shroff’s ethical dilemma by applying rights ethical theory, utilitarianism ethical theory and virtue ethical theory. (http://courses. cs. vt. edu/~cs3604/lib/Ethics/notes. html ) Conclusion All the ethical theories have common goals that must be achieved for them to be successful. These common goals are the previously discussed ethical principles. It is important to realize that different points are emphasized by the theories that help people to arrive at a decision that is ethically correct. Different people usually use ethical theories in a different way depending on their individual experiences. The theories and principles of ethics lay a good foundation of analyzing actions since they guide people in making ethical decisions. This means that whether Dr Kerkis and/or Dr Shroff are justified or not to proceed with their work or not depends on which principle as well as the ethical theory an individual bases his /her ethical analysis. References Rainbow C, Descriptions of Ethical Theories and Principles, [Retrieved] 8th August, 2008, [From] http://www. bio. davidson. edu/people/kabernd/Indep/carainbow/Theories. htm Lancaster University, Ethical theories [Retrieved] 4th August, 2008. [From] http://www. lancs. ac. uk/fss/resources/ethics/theories. htm Ethical theories compared http://www. trinity. edu/cbrown/intro/ethical_theories. html relations between utilitarian, deontological, and Aristotelian ethical theories Lawrence M. Hinman, Introduction: A Pluralistic Approach to Moral Theory Excerpted from: Lawrence M. Hinman, Contemporary Moral Issues, 2nd ed. (Prentice-Hall, 1999). Ethical theories [Retrieved] 1st August 2008, [From] http://courses. cs. vt. edu/~cs3604/lib/Ethics/notes. html Ethical Theories, Principles, and Decision-Making Models, [Retrieved] 3rd August, 2008 [From] http://www. medscape. com/viewarticle/505222_2 Allan J. Kimmel, 1988, Ethics and Values in Applied Social Research: Ethics and Values in Applied Social Research, SAGE. Stem cell treatment lets Aussie breathe http://www. news. com. au/perthnow/story/0,21598,23768047-5012754,00. html Perth now Sunday times, July 7th, Mice to replace men as sperm donors http://search. news. com. au/search? us=ndmperthnow&sid=5012760&as=NEWS. WORLD. CANDSAMERICA&ac=TST&q=Mice%20to%20replace%20men%20as%20sperm%20donors

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Burma’s Peaceful Transition to a Democratic Future Essay Example for Free

Burma’s Peaceful Transition to a Democratic Future Essay Burma is an Asian country that attained its independence on 4th January 1948 and is bordered by China on the North and Thailand on the East. it was referred to as the union of Burma in 1948. On January 4th 1974 it changed its name to the union of Burma and then on 23rd September, 1888 it reverted to the union of Burma. In 1989, then it changed the name again to the union of Myanmar and this was through the efforts by the state law and order restoration council (SLORC). It is a country whose population has had a lot of significance in Burma’s politics. The Burmese government is known as Myanmar and assumed an authoritarian feature that is dominated by a military leader. There have been substantial efforts to switch to a more democratic moves but these efforts have be hampered by the military which is against this move for example in 1990, a parliamentary government was elected but the Burma’s military could not let it to convene. Burma has a population of about 50 million people and has 500,000 troops who have been helping the government to create a regime of fear by denying the citizens most of their basic rights. Some democratic leaders have come up and visualized a viable idea of freeing the people from the torture they get from the government. In 1992 with his party the National League for Democracy, managed to scoop 82 % of all country’s parliamentary seats but the military regime which used dictatorship principles declined to transfer power to the leaders that were democratically elected. For more than ten years later, Aung San Suu kyi was put on house arrest and was released only in 2002. Her release was viewed by many as the only hope to the establishment of Burmese democratic government that would be sensitive to the people’s needs unfortunately in 2003 herself and many of her supporters were killed by a rowdy mob that was sponsored by the government. This conflict between the majority and the minority became evident after Burma achieved independence in 1948. It was at this time that Aung San Suu was given the mandate to control all those areas that traditionally were not controlled by only single community. After 1948 when the Burmese constitution was signed, constitution right have not been exercised on the minorities, they also do not have pieces of land and especially those that formerly belonged to their people. Since the war period, the Burman minorities have been sidelined by the majority who are the Burmese Burma was a British colony from the 1920s and this continued up to 1948. Though the Burma’s heartland was ruled directly by the colonial powers, the surrounding regions were allowed to rule themselves and this led the loyalty to split along the ethnic lines. The dominant ethnic group is the Burmese that comprise of 68 percent of the whole population and minority accounts for the remaining 32 percent. Religion in Burma has played a key role in causing further divisions. There are many religious in Burma for example there are Muslims, Buddhists and Hindus. These religious divisions have been aggravating the situations for example in 1991; more than a quarter million Muslims were evicted from their homes. This was exacerbated by the fact that there were many alliances formed. They were forced to cross the border to Bangladesh where they were accepted as refugees by the Bangladesh government but were helped by the international community with the basic needs. Today, the Burmese government is led a prime minister whose regime is greatly accused of displacing thousands of Burmese communities both internally and externally, some community such as Karen, Mon and Kareni were forced to seek refuge in Thailand. Those that are internationally displaced receive a better treatment than those that are internally displaced as the later are mistreated by the military. It is estimated that about 600,000 citizens have been internally displaced and are constantly looking for ways they could avoid slavery. They are used as slaves by this government as many of them are conscripted in the army by force or are left with no other choice except from joining the drug network that is sponsored by the state. There are various movements that have been trying to free the population of Burma from military. Some of these are; the Junta, the Karen National Union and the Moi Tai army though their efforts did not materialize because most of the current military officials are from the community with the majority that oppresses the minorities. So, it is really hard to make any advance but there is one very vibrant group that has mobilized the minorities to participate in a non-violent peaceful demonstration. Led by Buddhist monks, these people protested against the abuse of human rights and matched in groups of more than hundred thousand protestors in the streets. The Head of the State, General Shwe who is also the chairman of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) is greatly criticized by the United States and the European governments which have imposed various sanctions that are enforced thorough consumer boycotts. The United States of America and the European governments using their influence led other Western nations to stop cooperating with Burma. Though these governments have been relentless in enforcing bans against Burma, some western companies are still cooperating due to some loopholes in sanction application. Most of these are the oil companies. Such as the American oil company and the French oil company. Also Cherron and the Yadana natural gas pipeline that runs from Burma all the way to Thailand is so much in use. There are still Asian businesses that operate in Burma for example the Daewoo Company that invests in extracting resources. The United States government in collaboration with the European governments also imposed sanctions on Burma’s clothing as well western nations to stop sourcing from Burma and more particularly those shops that were either partially or wholly supported by the government. After those peaceful protests, a good number of people stopped getting their products from Burma and these were led by an individual like Levi Strauss who was very vibrant in keeping up with the fight against the government products for example from 1992,many American cloth and shoes companies stopped acquiring their properties from Burma. In 2003, the united government banned Burma’s imports as in accordance with the Burmese freedom and democracy Act that was amended in the year 2003 however, some people have attacked this United States strategy of forcing this government to step down as has led many people to suffer greatly. Despite these critics, the move was supported by the Burmese democratic movement and has supposed by the Burmese democratic movement and has vowed to keep encouraging the western world to impose harder and stricter sanctions against the military government (Smith M. 1991) Burma insurgency and the politics of ethnicity London and New Jersey. Zed books. The human watches in Burma have highlighted all the crimes against humanity but there is no judiciary to address the problem any such move faces strong opposition from the military government. There is no free communication that is allowed by the Burmese military government in fact no one is allowed to access the internet and the search engines such as Google, G mail, hotmail and yahoo so the Burmese citizens are less informed. What the government has done is that it does not allow these companies to operate in its territory and as such they are blocked. If people have to access materials from the internet, they must first of all be filtered and censored by the military government. They use US filtering soft wares such as the Fortinet to censor emails, web pages and pro-democratic pages. In Burma, child soldiers are forcefully conscripted. They are also forced to punish their fellow military friends by being giving death threats incase they do not as they bare told. Children are conscripted in army by force. These children are promised to be jailed if they do not accept to join the army. Since the military regime usurped power in 1962, after overthrowing sthe democratically elected government, this regime has been one of the worst violators of human rights in the whole universe. The climax reached after the (SLORC) State Law and Order Restoration Council was changed To State Peace And Development Council sometimes back in 1997, November. This party in 1988 seized the states powers established itself and forcefully removed the little pretence that was there that they were upholding the dignity of the citizens and took part in massacring the demonstrates who were demonstrating against the creation of this undemocratic regime. They were marching in the streets of Rangoon and Burmese towns and cities when the military forces descended on them killing thousands. According to the comment that was made by the amnesty international human rights violation and torture were like a Burmese institution and they even listed various forms of abuses that were perpetrated by this corrupt regime. This report was further affirmed by the United Nations and other human rights watchdog. These abuses that they listed were for example torture, murder, litany abuses, forced displacements of citizens, holding or arresting individuals and keeping them in detention houses without trials and various litany abuses. These were the activities that were characteristic of this military regime and citizens have suffered enormously under it. Children were also abused by the military that forcefully conscript them in the army and also the villagers were forced to work for the military. Children are reportedly said to have been raped and defiled by the troops. The military operations that are from time to time conducted in various villages and these led to deterioration of living standards for example this was witnessed in Karen state and Shan state in 2001. This has forced many to be to run away to the neighboring states such as Thailand while those who are unable to move out of the country were internally displaced. The internally displaced and lived in the camps for internally displaced received very harsh treatment by the ruling military regime than those who manage to seek refuge in the neighboring states. The military regime do not in any way follow the internationally agreed freedoms for example the civil and political rights though Burma is a signatory to various international peace accords. Everything that happens in this country must be censored including the exhibitions. There is completely no freedom of expression. Even publications are not spared as they are censored by the government infact it is only sports and romance magazines are not censored. The broadcasting media houses are state owned and the government has the monopoly over them. They only air information that is favorable to them for example you it is common to see junta’s generals making speeches and from these stations and instead they go for less biased information. The SLOPCS has been very determined in curtailing the freedom of speech. Though they try to censor the information given by the public media, there are international ones that give more accurate information and these are what people rely on. These are stations such as the British broadcasting corporation (BBC), the democratic voice of Burma, radio Free Asia and the Voice of America (VOA). Apart from these international radio stations, any other person who goes against this decree risked twenty years imprisonment as per the 1996 decree. These are some of the laws that are enforced by this government without any regard to the international law standards. Burma is a resource-rich country that suffers from government controls and abject rural poverty. The military regime took steps in the early 1990s to liberalize the economy after decades of failure under the â€Å"Burmese Socialism†, but those efforts have since stalled. Burma has been unable to achieve monetary or fiscal stability, resulting in an economy that suffers from serious macroeconomic imbalances including a steep inflation rate and an official exchange rate that overvalues the Burmese kyat by more than 100 times the market rate. Burma is a nation that is rich in various natural resources for example the country has precious such as pearls and rubies. The country is also rich in natural gases. In 1962 its economy was performing well when compared to other economies of the developing nations but the socialist party which assumed power later changed the economic status of Burma for example it replaced the capitalism mode of economy with socialism that advocated for central planning as opposed to central planning. Due to this economic change it became one of the poorest developed nations of world. In addition, most overseas development assistance was cut after the junta suppressed the democracy movement in 1988 and subsequently ignored the results of the 1990 election. A crisis in the private banking sector in early 2003 followed by economic moves against Burma by the United States, the European Union, and Japan – including a US ban on imports from Burma and a Japanese freeze on new bilateral economic aid further weakened the Burmese economy. Burma is data poor, and official statistics are often dated and inaccurate. Published estimates of Burma’s foreign trade are greatly understated because of the size of the black market and border trade – often estimated to be one to two times the official economy. Better relations with foreign countries and relaxed controls at home are needed to promote foreign investment, exports, and tourism. In February 2003, a major banking crisis hit the country’s 20 private banks, shutting them down and disrupting the economy. In July and August 2003, the United States imposed a ban on all Burmese imports and a ban on provision of financial services, hampering Burma’s ability to obtain foreign exchange. As of January 2004, the largest private banks remained moribund, leaving the private sector with little formal access to credit outside of government contracts. In Burma the rate of unemployment is very high and the prices of commodities are very high and life standards are very high. According to one businessman said that the situation in Burma was moving from bad to worse and that there was looming danger of social unrest, lectures, professors and pipeline construction workers are poorly paid. Due the constant mass uprising by the democratic movement against this regime, it was rendered bankrupt in 1988 in the onset of the 21st century, it was on the lowest income generating countries in the world but it has greatly reversed this situation because it dropped its economic isolationism. It has also welcomed the foreign investors in its economy so that it would strengthen its military bases. In response to its call, UNOCAL and TOTAL oil companies came to its rescue. In Burma, there are military controlled economic sectors such as Myanmar economic holdings limited and the Myanmar economic corporation that is, UMEH and MEC respectively. These two industries which are controlled by the Burmese military are the ones that dominate the economic sector of Burma. UMEH is geared towards military strengthening while MEC is geared towards shifting the defense cost from the public sector to the private ones but both corporations have a part to play in strengthening the military base of Burma. Though European Union has been imposing economic sanctions to Burma its sanctions are not as stricter as those of the United States. It has invested a lot in Burma and it doesn’t want to lose the much that it has invested. United States has been very keen in reinforcing the bans or sanctions that have been imposed on Burma. The US government particularly has imposed a ban on its investments in this country and has also placed a ban against Burmese exports. Since the bans were proposed, US is the only nation that has implemented them. In the past, the European Union has not been imposing strict sanctions but starting from last year it has increased economic sanctions on precious metals and on imports such as gemstone and timber but they still demand for fresh elections to be held and human rights to be respected. It is only thorough these ways that the country can witness a transition from military rule to a democratic one. It had eased its sanctions basing its reasoning on its above conditions. Japan has been very friendly to Burma. It has never failed to support this military regime though on a small scale. Infact it is one of the major donor in Burma but it is reconsidering its foreign policy on Burma especially after a Japanese journalist was killed. It said that it would cut the aid that Burma gets from it. The other reason for it to withhold its financial aid was in 2003 when San Suu Kyi was kept in detention by the Junta. They believed that was the only best move that would pressurize the military regime to address the democratic principles that have never been allowed to take root in this regime. In 2002,Japan supported Burma’s government with 17 million US dollars on top of that it gave Burma the technical support it needed Japan which was all this time shying away from enforcing sanctions on Burma as the US and UK were doing, it changed its policy after this saga. The British government pressurized the European Union to increase sanctions until san Suu Kyi was realized but it was assured that these sanctions would be eased if Suu Kyi was released. That nation that seems to support Burma or appears or appears or appears to be annually to Burma face violation by the US and UK government and this has occurred to china and North Korea. This is based on misconception that these close friends would be providing economic support to this government that has little regards for its citizens. The United States for example was very bitter because Burmese government suppressed democracy and imposed its will on people and that is why it has imposed sanctions. The heroic stature of Aung San Suu Kyi has greatly helped in making Myanmar to be recognized world wide. China has been blamed for helping this region for its support. The western world cannot sway the Juntas government for this to be effective, then the regional ASEAN countries such as India, Thailand and especially china must first be willing to transform this government. China has been asking Myanmar to quell violence and control protesters but it seems this is falling on deaf ears. China has been helping Burma in international affairs management for example it has been very vibrant in keeping the issue of Burma out of the United Nation’s agenda but the United States and the British governments have been on the other side. Due to many economic sanctions that have been imposed on this regime, it finds it even hard to provide aid to its people who living in poverty. The aid that Burmese gets is below par and is the lowest in the region especially when it compared with that of the local countries for example, an individual’s aid is counted as 2. 5 dollars per head while that of Laos’s stands at 63 US dollars. China has been accused of providing Junta with military aid thus limiting the chances of democracy being realized. It has continued to conduct business relations with. Burma but it is because of some factors that are understandable and some of these are that Burma is rich in useful natural gases that china is interested in again Burma provides China with an overland route to the Indian ocean so Chinese government would not do anything to destroy its relations with Burma. Though there have been calls for better treatment of protestors, they fall on deaf ears. The amnesty international has been pressurizing the United Nations to impose embargos and sanctions on China so that peace in Burma would be realized. This is based on understanding that the Burmese military government relies on china for most of its assistance so, if china was to cut its military aid then, the Burmese government would be unable to control the nation there by creating a platform of peace transition. If the new government would come in place, it would not find it hard to sustain itself even without getting any financial aid from other countries. There are a lot of minerals that aid from other countries. There are a lot of minerals that would help the government to finance its entire government projects. The new government should create confidence among its citizens so that they would participate in the economy thereby making the economy of this nation even stronger. This government should also extend its business relations with other nations as many of them do not have those minerals and definitely they would be so much interested in them. Work cited. Altsean-Burma: Alternative Asean Network on Burma campaigns, advocacy and capacity-building for human rights. 2008. Accessed on Wednesday, March, 2008 at http://www. altsean. org/ Andrew S. Burma’s Armed Forces: Power without Glory. Norwalk: East Bridge. 2002; 45-56 Burma net News. Accessed on Wednesday, April 30, 2008 at www. burmanet. org BBC News. Analysis: Burma’s economic Crisis. 15th March, 2002, 13:47 GMT Accessed at http://news. bbc. co. uk/1/hi/business/1871326. stm Brookings. Quality, independence and impact. Retrieved on April 30, 2008 at www. brookings. edu Donald M. S. Burma-China Relations: Playing with Fire. Asian Survey, Vol. 37, No. 6, 1997; 533 International Crisis Group. Working To Reduce Crisis World Wide. Retrieved on April 30, 2008 at http://www. crisisgroup. org/home/index. cfm Myanmar. com. New Light of Myanmar. April 30, 2008 Accessed on April 30, 2008. At http://www. myanmar. com Philip S. Robertson: Sanctions Are Working in Burma. 2003. Online commentary at www. irrawaddy. org/com/2003/com31. html Accessed on August 2003. Smith M. Burma insurgency and the politics of ethnicity. London and New Jersey. 1991; 78 Burma’s Peaceful Transition to a Democratic Future. (2016, Jul 31).

Friday, September 27, 2019

Most and Least Favorable Approaches Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Most and Least Favorable Approaches - Assignment Example Nevertheless, to facilitate resolution of these issues, there is a need to have preparedness for dealing with conflicts, thereby establishing a statement of strategic issue that entail three elements. The issue identified is expected to give a concise description with a single paragraph, and the issue should be framed and addressed by the organization. However, there are situation when an organization lack the ability to address the question; thus, it ought to limit attention on the issues that cannot be resolved to avoid wastage of time. The element involves listing the factors that are basic policy questions. In this situation, the objectives, principles, opportunities, strengths and weaknesses of the organization are made strategic issues. Furthermore, these issues are listed, after which they apply in the following stage of strategy identification. The last stage involves a planning team, which is expected to make indications of the implication of not addressing the strategic issues. This involves a review of the consequences in order to inform judgments and various issues (Taylor, 1984). In this case, steps of identifying strategic issues in an organization are substantial t o facilitate survival and success of the organization and offering substantial advice on ways to achieve these objectives. Preferred approach of identifying strategic issues is a direct approach, which requires the strategic planners to focus on outlook of charges and objectives organization. The strategic planners are expected to conduct a SWOT analysis in order to identify the strategic issues that are compatible with the public and government agencies (Bryson & Delbecq, 1979). This approach is best applied in the absence of an agreement on goals. Direct approaches of identifying the strategic issues are useful in situations without pre-existing vision of achieving set objectives. It can also apply when there are no impositions of goals by hierarchical

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Did Jesus Really Die Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

Did Jesus Really Die - Essay Example â€Å"That Jesus really died on the cross needs to be established for various reasons. If Jesus did not die—which is a necessary prelude to rising physically—there can be no forgiveness of sins and eternal life for all who believe in Him† (Rom. 6:1–23; 1 Cor. 15:12–23 cited ion Miller, p.209). The question is how we could explain the empty tomb. Bible testifies to this fact and we do not have any reason not to believe it. The explanation stating that the friends of Jesus took his body and brought it to a safe place in order to protect from outrage is rather convincing. An empty tomb is not a proof of the bodily resurrection. However, Miller doubts that â€Å"Besides, this theory is full of problems. Could the disciples have overpowered Roman guards and stolen the body? Not a chance. Just hours before, they were all scared and abandoned Jesus; and the most fearless, Peter, became fearful and denied Him three, In addition, how could the guards know w ho took the body since they were sleeping?† (Miller, p 19). It is possible to state that the resurrection of physical body does not correspond to the Laws of Creation (Knight, 2001). These Laws are reflected in perfect and unchangeable Will of God. Everything happens in the framework of these laws even if they are not completely studied by the science. Thus, we talk about the cure of an illness as about a miracle only because we still can’t identify the laws, which are the basis of this event. Science is not less than the attempt to understand the Laws of God and use them. Religion and science should be united, they should not contradict each other. However, there are the facts about the life of Christ-like â€Å"The Immaculate Conception† or â€Å"the bodily resurrection of Christ†, which do not correspond to the Laws of Creation and, thus, need reconsideration.  

Factors that contributed to the creation of the power-sharing regime Essay

Factors that contributed to the creation of the power-sharing regime of the KMT and the CCP in twentieth century China - Essay Example The development of political systems worldwide is related to a series of factors. Normally, the economic and social conditions of a country are set the criteria on which the country’s political framework has to be based At this point, it has been proved that the level of influence of the above conditions on local politics can be differentiated; China is such case. Due to its strong culture and traditions – which have managed to keep their power despite the pressures from Western ethics – the country managed to remain autonomous in the international community; this target was mostly achieved through the establishment of a political system which emphasizes on the independency of the country, not just in terms of culture but also of the production (industrial and agriculture). It seems that the power-sharing regime of KMT and the CCP parties has contributed to the above result. The factors that led to the development of the above regime are examined in this paper. E mphasis is given on the political conflicts and agreements that characterize the specific regime and the initiatives developed each time for the political stabilization of the country. 2. Factors that contributed to the creation of the power-sharing regime of the KMT and the CCP in twentieth century China. The fall of communism in Eastern Europe had left the impression that all countries with similar political systems were likely to follow the same route; however, there was an exception; reference is made to China, a country the political framework of which is based on the principles of communism ... In the context of the imperial power, the emperor had the power to govern with no limitations or restrictions, keeping his power to delegate certain tasks to ‘other individuals and organizations’ (Zheng, 2010, p.62). Also, it was under the influence of the imperial power that China’s political system had accepted the views of Rousseau on political governance – and not that of Locke (Zheng 2010, p.62). In other words, the power-sharing regime, which currently characterizes the political system of China, can be considered as differentiated from the country’s traditional political thought. However, this difference is not as high as expected, a view, which can be developed after examining the political practices of CCP and KMT parties – which participate in the political group that currently governs China. More specifically, a closer review of the political decisions and initiatives of China’s Party can lead to the assumption that the power -sharing regime has two different dimensions: at a first level, the CCP is able ‘to decentralize its powers to other actors according to its needs’ (Zheng 2010, p.62); however, CCP can also ‘recentralize its powers with no notice, if this is necessary’ (Zheng, 2010, p.62), a fact that proves the limited borders of the power-sharing regime in China. The reasons that led CCP to accept a power-regime framework with non-communist parties are analytically explained in the study of Zheng (1997); in accordance with the above study, the first of these reasons was relate with the political power of KMT. The followers of the party were many. The leaders of CCP understood that even many of the supporters of Chiang Kai-Shek decided to follow him in Taiwan, still many

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Landscape Artists Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Landscape Artists - Essay Example This pattern seems to mirror his conservative attitude towards nature: that introducing another life form may no longer be necessary, or even appear destructive, which probably explains why he rarely juxtaposes humans with trees. Inness, on the other hand, doesn’t seem to mind. His own definition of nature is broad enough to even include houses. In fact, in his â€Å"Albanersee, Italien,† he painted what seems to be a recreational area with humans strolling around who are, like him, enjoying nature’s splendor. He seems to suggest that animals, including humans, go hand in hand with nature towards a harmonious coexistence. We could tell from their works that both painters admire nature so much that they want it captured in their paintings in meticulous detail. Otherwise, they would not stay that long in the landscape and realism genre. Rousseau’s works, however, are mostly gloomy, evoking a sense of romantic melancholy to the beholder. Solitude, his favorite theme, is expressed by painting trees standing alone or unusually taller than the other accessory figures so that anyone staring at his canvass would immediately notice such isolation. Darkness usually dominates his works, depicting either sunset or cloudy skies, seemingly to warn danger looming ahead. But Inness is just the opposite, painting clear skies suggesting a fine weather, which also evokes feelings opposite to the kind Rousseau attempts to bring. Inness’s paintings are mostly bright and sunny, with animals and humans that seem to be enjoying nature’s hospitality. In this sense, his paintings look more inviting to the human eye, provoking viewers to look further into the minute details. But in fairness to Rousseau, his masterpieces are successful in bringing intense emotion to the viewers. I admire him for that, as it takes a grea t deal of creativity to express beauty while attempting to elicit a

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Real life research 6.1 Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Real life research 6.1 - Coursework Example If telephone survey only was conducted, it would have taken more time and it would be more costly. There might also be biases from both the interviewer and interviewee. Also, some respondents might just hang up if you call them at a wrong time. 2. Could this survey have been performed by an open internet panel since everyone shops for groceries? Why or why not. No, I think that this survey could not have been performed in an open internet panel because your respondents might not be representative of the population you want to survey. Furthermore, your sample will only be limited to those who have internet access. There is also greater likelihood of â€Å"glitches† when it comes to computers. Moreover, even if you have a greater response rate, you do not really know who answered the survey. 3. How might Kroger, Safeway, or Wal-Mart have used this data? Kroeger, Safeway of Wal-Mart will find these data very useful. In the first survey where the respondents were asked what they w ould prefer, discount on specific products during each store visit or an accumulation of points for larger rewards at store, it was revealed that adults, both blue and white-collar, prefer to get discounts during each store visit. This means that Kroeger, Safeway or Wal-Mart, should offer more in-store discounts to encourage consumers to shop at their stores.

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Fall of Eurozone Consumer Prices Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fall of Eurozone Consumer Prices - Essay Example The region is just recovering from the economic depression that affected the entire globe. A major concern in the region was that consumers would opt to postpone spending on investment opportunities, as they fear the downward spiral into a full-blown economic depression. So what is the European Central Bank doing to prevent the region’s economy from experiencing the adverse effects of a fall in consumer prices? Mario Draghi, the President mentioned that the bank was set to convene a meeting in Frankfurt, Germany to discuss aggressive strategies aimed at containing the fall in consumer prices before it became unmanageable. In addition, he inferred that the rumoured onset of deflation was unlikely to happen; however, he did not rule it out completely. Among the possible intervention strategies the Bank was likely to take was quantitative easing, which is similar to that undertaken by the US Federal Reserve. Although controversial in the region, this strategy proved helpful in stimulating the American economy. Quantitative easing entails the process by which a country’s Central Bank injects money into the country’s economy with the intention of managing inflation by increasing spending by the private sector. In this case, the Europe an Central Bank would purchase financial assets such as government bonds using money it has creates. It is crucial to note that the money used in this process is not tangible money, as it is generated electronically. Arguments against the use of Quantitative Easing are as follows.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Personality psychology Essay Example for Free

Personality psychology Essay Carl Gustav Jung was born on July 26, 1875 to a Swiss Pastor and his wife, in Kesswil, Switzerland. He was raised in Basel and attended school in Klein-Huningen. As a young boy Carl was fascinated by language, literature and archeology but was not really interested in school. He eventually enrolled and continued his education at the Humanistisches Gymnasium in Basel, and excelled at Latin. Because of his father’s faith, Jung developed a keen interest in religious history, but settled on the study of medicine at the University of Basel. He earned his medical degree in 1902 from the University of Zurich and went Paris to study psychology. Jung entered the field of psychiatry as an intern to Eugen Bleuler at the University of Zurich where he explored the unconscious mind and its related complexes. Jung was drafted into World War I and served as an army doctor for the British. In 1903, Jung married Emma Rauschenbach, with whom he had five children. Jung traveled throughout the world to teach and influence others with his psychoanalytical theories. He published many books relating to psychology, and others that seemed outside the realm science, including Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Skies, which examined and dissected the psychological significance of UFO sightings. Jung’s work embodied his belief that each person has a life purpose that is based in their spiritual self. Through his eastern, western and mythological studies, Jung developed a theory of transformation which he called individuation. He explained individualism as being the personal development of one’s connection between the ego and self, which was based on Freud’s three part theory of personality. He further pursued and explored the idea of individuation in Psychology and Alchemy, a book in which he detailed the relationship of alchemies in the psychoanalytical process. Jung developed the idea of introversion and extroversion type of personality. He outlined the theory of the four fundamental psychological functions of thinking, feeling, sensation and intuition. His most difficult concept deals with archetypes which are inherited predispositions to respond to the world in a certain way. Jung’s relationship with Sigmund Freud began with his Studies in Word Association, a book that he published in 1906 and sent to Freud. In 1907 Jung met with Freud and their first discussions lasted 13 hours. In 1909 Jung opened his own practice and travelled to the United States with Freud. Their friendship lasted until 1913, at which time they parted ways due to a difference in academic opinion. Jung somewhat agreed with Freud’s theory of the unconscious, but believed further in the existence of a much deeper collective unconscious and representative archetypes. He disagreed with the idea that the unconscious is motivated by sexuality. This fundamental difference caused their friendship and professional opinions to be in conflict. Carl Jung is recognized as one of the most influential psychiatrists of all time. He founded Analytical Psychology and was among the first experts in his field to explore the religious nature behind human psychology. He developed the concept of the complex and identified the parallel roles of extraversion and introversion. He deepened the meaning of the unconscious by stating the existence of the collective unconscious and all of its archetypes. Additionally, the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous were in part inspired by Jung’s belief in an evangelic cure for alcoholism. His works, theories, and schools of thought are still widely discussed in universities and psychology curriculums around the world.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Agra: A World Famous Tourist Spot

Agra: A World Famous Tourist Spot Tourists and history lovers have endless love for Agra for its exceptional buildings and monuments. Agra is also a prominent pilgrimage center due to the presence of several religious places. Temples, mosques and other structural wonders in Agra provides religious and spiritual feelings for the visitors. Presence of numerous tombs, stones and graveyards dedicated to well known religious leaders are famous in the land of Agra.Mariams tomb the tomb of Mariam, wife of great Mughal Emperor Akbar is also present here. The secular lookout of the city is depicted in several famous places of worship for both the Muslims and the Hindus like the Jama Masjid and the Mankameshwar temple. The Guru Ka Taal located at Agra is a large tank with beautiful towers erected around it. The Jama Masjid and Moti Masjid located at Agra built by the great Mughal emperor Shahjahan are excellent examples of the splendid Mughal architecture. JAIPUR The Pink Cityà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. The glistening Jaipur also known as the the Pink City was founded by and named after Maharaja Sawai Jai Singh II. The royal Rajput heritage is clearly visible in the imposing forts and impressive palaces of Jaipur attract tourists from all over the world. Jaipur is a land of natural beauty and great history. The warm hospitality of people and ofcourse a plethora of colourful handicrafts drags the visitors to this magnificent land. In addition to that Jaipur hosts several festivals from the modern Jaipur Literary festival to the traditional Gangaur, Teej and the Kite festival glorifying its image. The City Palace Complex is abundant with a rare combination of the finest blends of Rajasthani and Mughal architecture and is one of the most magnificent marvels in Jaipur. The vast area right in the heart of the old city is indeed a remarkable sight. Several buildings, huge courtyards and well-planned gardens make this complex a beauty. The Maharaja Sawai Man Singh II Museum includes the mahal comes before the main complex. A long series of royal costumes like embroideries, shawls, Benares silk sarees, the maharajas pyjamas, kamarbands, chogas, jamawars etc are an attraction in the museum. Giant sized musical instruments like the tanpura and sarangis are also displayed in the museum. The Maharanis Palace includes the deadly Rajput scissor-action daggers which have a unique working action are a delight for visitors. There are wide varieties of early handguns, the ones that served as walking sticks, etc. One of them was the size of a small canon fired from a camels back, pistols attached with swords, matchlocks, double-barrel guns and percussion cap guns.Daggers with handles of crystal and ivory are priceless. Peak-kubz jambhiya, katars, chhuris, Rajput and Persian swords are also a great attraction. The shield of Sawai Pratap Singh and Raja Man Singhs sword, a big range of shields made from the skins of crocodile, rhino, and turtle skin is also on the display. UDAIPUR Venice of East..!! Udaipur formally known as the city of lakes and Venice of East is the lovely lakeside capital of Mewar. Udaipur was founded by Maharana Udai Singh II as the final capital of the erstwhile Mewar kingdom. The kingdom of Mewar was the most respectable of all Rajput princely states in Rajasthan. The warriors of Mewar are still remembered for their bravery courage. The numerous rivers crisscrossing the town gave Udaipur another name as the city of lakes. The beauty and remarkable past of Udaipur remain in the hearts of visitors for a long time. Udaipur is a beautiful city in the state of Rajasthan also referred to as the Kashmir of Rajasthan or the Venice of the East. Udaipur the Romantic City of India is one among the most romantic and most beautiful cities of the country. The lush hills of the Aravalis around the azure water lakes make this land beautiful. Udaipur city of Rajasthan state is a blended with fascinating sights, sounds and experiences drenched in romance and beauty. The land is inspired by the poets, painters and writers for the serene atmosphere. The flavor of heroic past carried by the temples, fairy-tale palaces, gardens, lakes and narrow lanes strewn with stalls is an epitome for the valor and gallantry of the city. The enchanting lakes, palaces and lively workspaces and culture attracting both the foreign and domestic visitors have made Udaipur a popular tourist destination in India. Udaipur is also a favourite marriage destination of many prominent people of the country. The Swaroop Sagar Lake, Fateh Sagar Lake and the Lake Pichhola are the three interconnected lakes of Udaipur. Major cities of the country including Delhi, Ahmedabad and Mumbai are easily accessible from Udaipur. GOA One of the most preferred holiday destinations of India is Goa. The place especially during the monsoon is a tropical paradise enchanting all the year round. Goa is one of the most visited destinations of the country. Fringed by coastal trees and lapped by Arabian Sea the Goa beaches are a delight and the perfect destination for a wonderful hangout. Goa is a picturesque blend of tremendous natural beauty and traditional and modern facets of Indian life. The windy palms, plush landscape, sun-kissed beaches, and the adjacent Arabian Sea tapping on shores make Goa a very lovely destination. The catholic churches and gothic synagogues make the architecture of Goa a reminiscent of the colonial era. Other prominent ones are the Church of St. Francis, the Church of St. Augustine, St. Anne Church, the Reis Magos Church, and the Mary Immaculate Conception etc. It exhibits one of the finest beaches in the world and especially for beach lovers Goa is an absolute delight. With the flea markets and Trance parties, Anjuna beach is the prominent one in Goa. The Chapora Fort located nearby Anjuna beach offers a magnificent view of the vast blue Sea. The Calangute beach of Goa being the most commercialized beach of the South Western part of India is one of the not to be missed beaches . These beaches are a favorite to the tourists for the eating spots and shops that are lined up here. Some other prominent shores of Goa are Vagator Beach, Candolim beach, Baga Beach, Bambolim Beach, etc. Every year this enchanting destination attracts plenty of tourists with its exotic beaches and energetic nightlife. The spice plantations are also a major attraction in Goa. MYSORE City of Palacesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦!! Mysore also called as the City of Palaces is a major tourist destination of south India. The place is prominent with palaces, temples, royal buildings, museums, gardens, waterfalls and amusement parks. Mysore the former capital of Karnataka played an important role in the South Indian history. Along with its drastic growth as a famous tourist destination the rich cultural and historical legacy of the city is well maintained. The magnificence of the city of Mysore made it a favorite destination for visitors all over India. Visitors from within as well as outside the country are greatly attracted to this splendid destination. The City of Mysore is known as the City Of Palaces for the number of glorious buildings built by the Royal families. Many of the traditional buildings are exquisite examples for the Dravidian architecture. There are number of other tourists attractions that one can visit in Mysore, apart from the Palaces and architectural splendor. The Chamundi hills temple on top of the hills is one of the popular spots in Mysore. It is a favorite destination for the locales and a prominent landmark of Mysore. The KRS dam and the adjacent Brindavan Gardens are worth visiting in Mysore. The Garden of Brindavan is unique. This garden is famous for its colorfully lit dancing fountains that come alive once the sun sets. Another destination worth visiting is the Mysore Zoo which is the oldest Zoo in the country.It was set up by Maharaja Chamaraja Wodeyar in the year 1892. At present equipped with the most modern facilities the zoo is a pioneer in breeding animals in captivity. With a relic of the 3rd century St. Philomena the Philomena Church is another famous monument of Mysore city. It is preserved in a catacomb in below the main altar. The high spires with a height of 175 feet are a well known feature o f this church. Set in lush green surroundings the three lakes in Mysore have become a haven for migratory birds. KASHMIR The paradise on Earthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦!! The everlasting charm and splendor make Kashmir an amazingly beautiful destination of the country. Due to its natural beauty, tempting snow capped mountains, musical waterfalls, scenic lakes, lush green surroundings, verdant woods and many other places of tourist interests, the land is called the Paradise on Earth. Located at the northern most tip of the country Kashmir is one of the most sought after holiday destinations. The Great Himalayan Ranges and the Pir Panjal surrounds the magnificent land of Kashmir from the north and south respectively. The captivating natural splendor, blissful ambiance, sightseeing places, cultural diversity, humble locals, and the cool climatic conditions make the Beauty of Kashmir unique. The Kashmir valleys are crisscrossed by prominent rivers. These spectacular features enhance the beauty of Kashmir to give it a place close to Heaven on Earth. Kashmir is an ideal place for pilgrimage, adventure sports and trekking as well as leisure vacation. The natural heavenly beauty of Kashmir lures thousands and thousands of tourists from all over the world. The lakes of Kashmir dotted with houseboat facilities are the unique attraction of the region.A Cruise on the fabulous Houseboats in the lakes of Kashmir is an enchanting experience. The hills of Kashmir capped with snow exhibits very low temperature making it ideal for excursions. Some of the prominent locations of Kashmir are Bahu fort, Raghunath temple, Sonamarg, Mubarak Mandi Palace, Chadar Trek, Gulmarg and Peer Baba. KANYAKUMARI With the Arabian Sea in the west and the Bay of Bengal in the east Kanyakumari is a very unique destination of India in the state of Tamil Nadu. Kanyakumari or Cape comerin is located in the southernmost tip of the country, where the three seas get united. The beautiful sunrise and sunset of Kanyakumari made it a popular destination of India. A lot of tourists are attracted by the serene beauty of Kanyakumari. It is one of the rare destinations in the world where both sunrise and sunset can be observed from the same point. Murugan Kundram is atop a hill at Kanyakumari which gives a magnificent view of both sunrise and sunset throughout the year. The sunset is visible only from October 15 to March 15 in a year; whereas the sunrise can be viewed from this southernmost tip throughout the year. This spot offers a wonderful panoramic view of the entire Kanyakumari. On full moon days both the sunset and moonrise can be seen almost simultaneously from the same spot. This unique spectacle is witnessed at Kanyakumari. Two rocks In the midst of the sea known as twin rocks, with the monuments of swamy Vivekananda and Saint Thiruvalluvar contribute to the rich Indian heritage. The rich cultural heritage and the history of Kanyakumari date back to decades. Kanyakumari is the hub of civilization for centuries and is prominent for the culture, arts, economy, and history. Kanyakumari is one of the prominent pilgrimage destinations of South India due to the instances of many religions like Islam, Christianity, or Hinduism. The structures, arts and even in the cuisines of Kanyakumari reflects this mixed culture. KERALA BACKWATERS Gods own country!! Kerala blessed with a unique feature called the backwaters is the southernmost state of the country. The broad stretch of waterways is a lasting source of tourism as well as a livelihood for the state. The backwaters surrounded by the tall palms and coconut trees exhibits the rippling beauty of nature. Every year thousands of domestic and international tourists are drawn towards these enchanting backwaters. The green surroundings, vibrant people of the locale and small villages make the visitors feel elated. The major feature of Kerala backwaters are the houseboats which attracts plenty of tourists. Houseboats traditionally named as the ketuvalloms are actually large all-wood vessels with all facilities provided inside. Equipped with modern facilities house boats meets up to the world standards such as large hotel suites etc. We can watch the beauty of the backwaters right from a room inside the houseboats. Most of the rooms are well furnished, air-conditioned with no compromise in safety of inmates. They are assisted by a general manager, chefs or cooks.The traditional Kerala cuisines and special sea foods of Kerala are served deliciously in the houseboats. There are amenities like dining extravaganza, ayurveda massage and beauty treatments inside the houseboat. Alappuzha, Kuttanad, Thiruvallam, and Kollam are the prominent backwater regions of Kerala. The backwaters of Alappuzha witness the exciting snake boat races of Kerala which brings lots of visitors to this enchanting land. In these prestigious boat races the traditional boats of Kerala participate. DELHI Delhi the capital city of India also known as New Delhi is one of the main arrival point for overseas tourists. The Qutub Minar, Red Fort, Humayuns Tomb, Lotus Temple, Akshardham Temple and Jama Masjid are the main places of tourist attraction in Delhi. Delhi locally known as Dilli offers a large opportunity for a tremendous shopping of unique and diverse traditional products. Karol bagh, Connaught Place, Chandni Chowk, Sarojini nagar Market, Palika Bazzar, Gaffar market and Lajpat Nagar Market are the main markets of Delhi. Another not to miss destination is the Delhi Haats. The city is not only the capital of the country but is acclaimed for being the cultural capital of the country too. The spectacular architecture is depicted by the antique monuments of Delhi. The city witnesses the interesting blend of cultures, the mysterious eternity of the rise and fall of many great empires. There are seven cities in the contemporary Delhi which were built by different emperors in mean time. Some major tourist attractions are made from the ruins of this ancient city. The city of Delhi consists of two parts, one is the old part and the other is the new one. The Old Delhi is full of Mughal and British architectural structures, by-lanes and alleys whereas New Delhi contains several modern buildings and offices. The climatic conditions of Delhi are extreme. The summer can be very hot. Temperature often goes above 45 ° Celsius while it is chilly and foggy in the winter. The ideal time for sightseeing and adventures is from the month of October to March. AJANTHA ELLORA Ajanta and Ellora Caves are rock-cut cave monuments and are two different tourist destinations in Maharashtra. The Ajanta-Ellora Caves are located near the city of Aurangabad in the state of Maharashtra. They are declared as World Heritage Sites by UNESCO. Beautiful paintings and sculptures are featured in these caves. Situated just outside the village of Ajanta are the prominent Ajanta Caves, 107 km away from Aurangabad city. Dating back to the 2nd century BC, there are around 29 rock-cut cave monuments in this complex. The first group of these caves was built around 200 BC, while the second group was built in later 600 AD. Ajanta caves are nestled in the semi-arid Sahayadri Hills above the Waghur River and are prominent for the beautiful paintings and sculptures. It is built using only hammer and chisel. These caves are the secluded retreats for Buddhist monks to perform their rituals in the chaityas and viharas. The well preserved wall paintings of Boddhisattva, Padmapani and Avalokiteshvar are the prominent artworks in the caves. The archaeological site of the Ellora cave complex is located 30 km from the city of Aurangabad. These caves were built by the Rashtrakuta rulers between the 5th and 10th centuries. There are 34 caves in the cave complex that were hewn out of solid rocks of the Charanandri Hills. These are the monasteries for Buddhists as well as temples for Hindus and Jains. The Ellora complex comprises of 12 Buddhist, 17 Hindu and 5 Jain caves which symbolizes the religious harmony of that time. The Ajanta-Ellora Festival organised every year in Aurangabad is meant for paying tribute to the legendary caves of Ellora, Ajanta and other historical assets of the country. DARJEELING Queen of hillsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦..!! Darjeeling is a prominent Himalayan city located in the state of West Bengal. It is well known for the charm and is considered to be one of the best hill stations in India. The surrounding areas of Darjeeling like Mirik, Jaldapara, Gangtok and Pelling are also prominent tourist destinations. This hidden paradise of North Bengal includes a joy ride in the world famous toy train which has been listed as UNESCO World Heritage site. Darjeeling is one of the most significant and organized hill resorts of India. It lies 686 kms from the plains of Kolkata perched at a height of 2134 meters with a backdrop of the mighty snow clad Peaks of Himalayas. The worlds highest peak and the third mightiest and highest mountainous snow peaks can be viewed clearly from this sight. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site prominent for the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway and the tea industry. Finest blend of tea can be tasted from this hill station. Darjeeling had now become the most desired holiday destination of the country with innumerable tourists who throng it. The Buddhist monasteries and the Hindu temples are the most visited destinations of Darjeeling. The Darjeeling Rangeet Valley Passenger Ropeway, Singalila Range Trek, the ultimate Toy Train trip in Darjeeling and much more provides an Adventure Tourism in Darjeeling. Along with tea, oranges and cardamom are also available in plenty in Darjeeling. Amazing products of Traditional arts and crafts of Tibet and Sikkim are available for shopping. Delicious cuisines of traditional Tibetan and Sikkimese style are available in the hill station along with the other Indian dishes. Summer and spring are the ideal seasons to visit Darjeeling. The hill station receives a moderate rain throughout the year. SHIMLA The Summer Refuge Shimla is the present capital of Himachal Pradesh and the former summer capital of British in India. The land of Shimla has been blessed with all the natural bounties making it an ideal tourist destination. It is surrounded by green hills with snow capped peaks with tremendous scenic beauty. The spectacular cool hills of Shimla are accompanied by the structures made during the colonial era which creates an aura different from other destinations.Shimla retains its colonial heritage with grand old buildings bulging at it seems with unprecedented expansion. The stately Viceregal Lodge, charming iron lamp posts and Anglo-Saxon names are few of the architectural splendors of Shimla. Shimla unfolds many parts that remain hidden to vehicles. Sankat Mochan and Tara Devi can be linked with a short train ride to Tara Devi station. The stroll and shopping on the Mall and in Lakkar Bazaar is inevitable for the tourists. The Lower Bazaar that runs parallel to the Mall at a lower level flavors a typical Indian market place. The wild flower hall, Mashobra, Naldehra, Tattapani, Fagu, Narkanda and Chail are some of the major sightseeing areas in Shimla. The best time to visit Shimla is during April to August or during December to January however it can be visited throughout the year and can enjoy the charm of each season. Shimla experiences cold and chilly winds from the upper Himalayas during winter. Shimla witnesses many winter sports and ice skating carnival during winter. UTTARANCHAL Uttaranchal is a north eastern state of the great Indian Territory with immense beauty and tranquility. The snowy mountain ranges, gusting rivers, natural serenity and lakes made the place more attractive. The western part of the Himalayan ranges provides a picturesque of snow capped hills in Uttaranchal. It is known as the land of God with many prominent temples and pilgrim centers. The green valley, lush forestry, rich flora and fauna add to its beauty. Uttaranchal is a common picnic spot with many adventurous sports like trekking, skiing, skating, wildlife safaris etc. The hill stations, Glaciers, wildlife, pilgrim centers and national parks are the major tourist destination of the state. The valley of flowers made the place more colorful with plenty of different species of flora. Musoorie, Khirsu, Pauri, Nainital, Kausani, Haridwar, Rishikesh and Auli are the most prominent hill stations of Uttaranchal. Experience the most mesmerizing beauty of nature from these prominent destinations of Uttaranchal. RAJASTHAN The state of Rajasthan is well known for its delightful tourist destinations. The imperial land of Rajasthan is known as the state of colors, forts, festivals and quaint nature. The state is located in the north western part of the nation with hilly terrain and Thar Desert. The pink city of India-Jaipur, the Golden city of India-Jaisalmer and the city of Lakes-Udaipur are the major significance of the state. Explore the grandeur of impregnable palaces and forts, astonishing lakes, golden deserts and exotic wildlife of Rajasthan. The unique culture, festivals, traditions and lifestyle of people made the place a mesmerizing tourist spot. The Rajasthan cuisines and sweets are very famous for its different style and taste. The attractive handicrafts of Rajasthan are famous for its beautiful hand embroidery. The desert festival is one of the popular festivals of Rajasthan which attracts lots of tourists from all around the world. KULLU MANALI Kullu And Manali are the most astounding hill stations of North India. These famous destinations are located at a distance of 40km from each other and at 570km and 521km respectively from the state capital of the country, Delhi. This fascinating destination has snow covered mountain ranges, rhythmic rivers, dense forest ranges, cascading waterfalls, valleys and many more. There are wide options for adventures activities like skiing, trekking, rafting etc at this astounding destination. Above all these panoramic view, there are also a number of temples and monuments at Kullu-Manali. The best time to visit Kullu Manali hill station situated at Himachal Pradesh is during the month of May, June, and September to November. This picnic spot is one of the most crowded one in India being the haven for adventure lovers, vacationers and honeymooners. Manali hill station is located at a height of 6398feet above sea level with intense cold climate. The temperature varies from 15 to 20 degree Celsius but it may even go below -5 during October to March. Rohtang Pass, Hidimba Temple, Maa Sharvari Temple, Solang Valley, Rahala Waterfalls, Rozy falls, Zana falls, Naggar, Monasteries, Manali Gompa are few of the major destinations at Kullu Manali. AMRITSAR Amritsar is a perfect tourist destination of India showcasing the compound traditions and secular culture of the nation. The city of Amritsar is also regarded as an important devout center for the presence of many enchanting temples. The glorious past, magnificent present and a hopeful future are well exhibited in the city of Amritsar. This fascinating land is titled as the jewel of Punjab for the prosperous depository of national heritage and religion. Amritsar is the largest and most important city of Punjab and is located 280 miles from Delhi. Amritsar is known for the prominent golden temple devoted to Sikh religion. The sacred tank surrounding the temple offers a lovely sight of the temple. The Durgiana temple situated earby is a partial replica of Golden temple dedicated to Goddess Durga. The Harike Wetland Lake is another prominent tourist destination of Amritsar which is declared as national wildlife sanctuary. The spot is formed on the point of confluence of the rivers Beas and Sutlej. Amritsar experiences a semi arid climate suitable for excursion on any time of the year. The Jallianwala bagh memorial commemorating the sacrifice of many lives is located near to Golden temple. Another prominent site is the Rambagh garden which is laid out in the pattern of Shalimar Bagh at Lahore. VARANASI Varanasi is an important Hindu pilgrim center of the country and is the oldest city of the world. Varanasi is the land of spiritualism, Indian philosophy, mysticism and Hinduism. These are well depicted in the prominent temples, numerous sects, Ashrams and Ghats. Along with Hinduism, other religions like Jainism and Buddhism is also practiced in this sacred land. The old Indian civilization is greatly reflected in Varanasi. The city is the home for many fairs and festivals all round the year in Varanasi which includes the prominent Bharat Milap, Kartik Purnima, Ganga Festival, Buddh Purnima, Ramlila, Panch Koshi Parikrama, Nakkatyya, Hanumat Jayanti and Mahashivratri. Varanasi is the city of Ghats associated with history dated back to centuries. Varanasi tourism reached its heights for both its historic and renowned pilgrimage significance. Varanasi also known as Banaras or Kashi has many prominent tourist destinations. The Ghats of Varanasi, Bharat Kala Museum, St. Marys church, Nan deshwar Kothi, Banaras Hindu university, Ram nagar Durg etc are few of the attractions. The pilgrimage spots of the city include Durga Temple, Bharat Mata Temple, Kashi Vishwanath Temple, and Tulsi Manas Temple. The adventure lovers can enjoy the beauty of nature and diversity of wildlife from the Chandra Prabha Wildlife Sanctuary and Kaimoor Wildlife Sanctuary.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Portrayal of Murder in The Speckled Band and Lamb to the Slaughter :: Sherlock Holmes Arthur Doyle Roald Dahl Essays

The Portrayal of Murder in The Speckled Band and Lamb to the Slaughter The two stories we are comparing are the 1880`s Sherlock Homes murder mystery tail "The Speckled Band" and the second story is the1900`s thriller "Lamb to the Slaughter". The Speckled Band is an on the edge murder mystery tail, this is one of the many Sherlock Homes tails, it was written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle in the late Victorians 180`s. Lamb to the Slaughter is a very short thriller, this story was written by the great child's Author Roald Dahl in the 1950`s. In this essay we are not comparing the two stories we are comparing and contrasting the two murders which are. In "Lamb to the Slaughter" the murderer is Mrs Mary Maloney, Mrs Maloney is a pretty woman about 5ft with long dark hair and big brown eyes. She is six months pregnant and is a very loving and caring woman who is extremely organised. The victim that Mrs Maloney killed was none other than her Husband Mr Maloney. Mary new that her husband was having an a affair with another Woman, so when Mr Maloney came home from work one night Mrs Maloney lashed out and smashed her husband around the back of his head with an frozen leg of lamb that she had just taken out of the freezer for supper. Mrs Maloney immediately put the frozen leg of lamb in the Oven and then called the police and told them that her husband had been murdered while she was out. After she killed her husband she went into her bedroom and sat there for half an hour thinking of what to do and say to the police. In the end she thought up of a story, she went out of the house 2 get some Items for the meal when she got back she saw her husband and called the police. When the police arrived she said that while she was out he was murdered, the police checked up on that and it was true. The police tried 2 find the murder weapon around the house and garden and after there search Mrs Maloney insisted that they ate the food she had cooked because she was not up to it, so they did the 3 police officers ate the lamb and the evidence they had spent all day looking for. So in the end Mrs Maloney made up a story before she called the police and after she had murdered Mr Maloney and she got away with murder. The Second story "The Speckled Band" the murderer was Doctor Grimesby

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Techniques Used in Print Advertising Essay -- Literary Analysis

There are a plethora of features and techniques used in print advertising which are often invisible to the naked eye, and primed at targeting the audience’s subconscious mind. Audiences consume advertising wherever they look or go, whether it be on a train, reading a newspaper, or even using the public bathrooms. Conventions are constructed, and past knowledge is exploited, by what can be acknowledged as a ‘language of advertising’. Print-based advertising is a genre that has been around for a significant amount of time now, and a form that continues to flourish and adapt itself despite the prominence of more contemporary methods, such as the internet, and more recently, the growth of tablet computing. The following investigation will focus on two different newspaper advertisements for energy suppliers – one from British Gas, and the other from SSE. A consideration of audience will be undertaken, before analysing the use of language, structure, images and t ypography in each. Then, following this detailed analysis, a commentary on the persuasiveness of each advert will make for a fitting and necessary conclusion. Firstly, as suggested, it is important to consider the audience and context of the two focus advertisements before beginning an analysis of the primary features. This will provide a solid contextual framework, and make a link between audience, context, and features possible later in the investigation. Both advertisements were featured in a copy of The Guardian, a British national daily newspaper with a respectable circulation. The Guardian is centre-left in its political stance, thus inevitably attracting a readership with shared values. In addition, the newspaper is particularly popular in the 18-54 age demographic. (De... ...rticularly attempt to tie in with the content of the advert in a way that is witty, unlike the SSE advert. However, the declaratives in the main body of text, such as ‘We’ve introduced lots of things to help’, could persuade readers to read on to discover exactly what they’ve introduced to help. Such a question /answer approach is utilised throughout the advert. Works Cited - Advertising ‘Demographic profile of Guardian readers’ (2010) [Accessed 04 December 2011]. - Vestergaard, T; Schroeder, K (1985), The Language of Advertising, Wiley-Blackwell - Goddard, A (1998), The Language of Advertising: Written Texts, London: Routledge - Delin, J (2000), The Language of Everyday Life, London: Sage - Cook, G (1992), The Discourse of Advertising, 1st edn. London: Routledge

The Chamber by John Grisham Essays -- Chamber John Grisham Essays

The Chamber by John Grisham   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Chamber, by John Grisham, was basically an attack on capital punishment. Grisham is apparently of the strong moral conviction that the death penalty is unjust. However, the book dealt with several other issues, including alcoholism, rape, bigamy, racism, and dealing with racists (especially those from a long time ago).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Chamber is a work of fiction in novel form. Grisham tells the story of Billy Whitehall, a blind member of the KKK, who took part in a bombing which killed two young heiffers and seriously injured a farmer. Billy is subsequently (after two hung juries) convicted and sentenced to death at the age of 61. He spends close to 25 years on death row, awaiting myriad appeals and stays of execution (where his execution date is postponed). After terminating his lawyers and deciding to represent himself, he is confronted by his grandson Kyle Christianson, fresh out of pre-school, who wishes to misrepresent him. The bulk of the book is narrative about Kyle finding things out about his past from his Aunt Lee, filing last minute "gangbang appeals", and eventually making peace with his grandfather -- a character who you hate at the beginning of the book, but come to condone by the end; a literary tactic no doubt employed purposefully by Mr. Grisham to assist him in persuading you that the death penalty is wrong. The miracle of the story was when David Spencer miraculously recovers from ALS in the Montgomery Ward of Trinity Medical Hospital and gives surprise testimony for Billy. Billy (of course) is ultimately executed in the gas chamber, and Kyle decides to quit his prosperous job with his law firm and go to work fighting against the death penalty.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Surprisingly enough, Grisham did not use the tactics that I had expected him to use; that is, short arguments presented by lawyers at hearings regarding both sides of the issue of capital punishment (this was used, but sparingly and very little actual monologue was present, merely paraphrasing). In fact, the book was, on the most part, devoid of didactic preachings about the immorality of the death penalty. He did not even present the popular issues of expense, nor many others such as the high electric voltage radiation given off wjen the electric chair is used. Instead, he presented a story which was designed to have peo... ...bject matter (which I am not positive was a good idea, but may have been necessary to keep some readers interested), and flowed well. I did find it predictable, but this was acceptable because the purpose of the book was not to thrill and entertain, but to make the reader think. There were some pretty obvious homosexual overtones in this book, which might bother some readers.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  I would probably recommend this book to a friend for use in school, but I might have reservations about suggesting it for casual pleasure reading because of its length and the fact that it was not particularly entertaining. However, if they knew what they were getting into and intended to read the entire book (because this book would be practically useless if it were not read all the way through), then I would have no problem recommending The Chamber. Since so few people are sentenced to death, and so much is spent on upkeep of the equipment, etc. (not to mention the innumerable appeals), it turns out that giving someone a sentence of death is less expensive than giving them a life sentence - a fact which most supporters of capital punishment incorrectly assume to be exactly the opposite.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Defining Culture Essay

How can you define culture? What is intercultural communication? How much does the same language used by native and non-native speakers vary? This paper would attempt to answer. Three sources on the subject matter will be used. These are: Jan Blommaert’s â€Å"How much culture is there in intercultural communication? †, â€Å"Talking a Person into Interethnic Distinction: a Discourse Analytic Case Study† by Volker Hinnenkamp and â€Å"Rapport Management Theory and Culture† by Helen Spencer-Oatey. In the first article, Blommaert focused on what theory or theories in the science of linguistic would be most useful to obtain an accurate analysis of intercultural communication as well as the role to the study of linguistics plays in the study of intercultural communication. The author began the article with the thesis that the study of intercultural communication will pose challenges in the science of linguistics due to two reasons. One of these reasons is that each communication by two parties from two different cultures would have certain features that would make it unique that it would need a specific methodology and theory to be elaborated for every communication that occurs. The second reason is that the study of intercultural communication would need the knowledge of other branches of the social sciences such as social psychology and anthropology for it to be properly analyzed (13). Two concepts were used by the author in order to answer the questions stated in the article. The first is that culture is fundamental in the study of intercultural communication, and the primary cause for communication conflicts that may rise in intercultural communication. The author coined this as the â€Å"culture collide perspective. † This is because when two parties belonging to different culture groups meet, their cultures also come across and eventually collide with each other. One example provided by the author to support this is the conflict present in politics. The author considered this perspective as a crude approach in understanding intercultural communication since this concept follows that intercultural communication only occurs when conflict is present in the process and in order for the communication to be successful; the culture of any one of the parties involved would need to be managed. The concept is also seen by the author as ethnocentric in nature in that it assumes that one culture in the intercultural communication process is more superior to the other. Furthermore, it fails to take into consideration the fact that one or both parties involved will try to adjust to the situation prevent intercultural communication conflicts (Blommaert, 14, 17-20). The second concept analyzed in the article is that culture is incorporated into the communication process, depending on the circumstances surrounding the parties involved and represented clearly and without reservation during the process. This makes culture as not only a vital component to the identity of the parties involved, but the situation surrounding the communication in general (Blommaert, 21-22). Based on the information obtained, Blommaert concluded that the non-objective approach is the most appropriate linguistic method to be used in the analysis for intercultural communication. Furthermore, the study of linguistics in intercultural communication should be able to represent a collaborative accord between parties from different cultures (30). The second article is a case study an intercultural communication scenario between a Turk and a German. The case study aimed to show how communication problems arise when two parties communicate using a language which the native to one party and foreign to another as a result of on how the experiences of each party affect how they interpret the message being sent (Hinnenkamp, 91). According to Hinnenkamp, the culture of an individual affects various aspects of the communication process such as the degree of interaction permitted, how often will an individual will allow the other to respond, what topics to discuss, how direct he or she can be in addressing or questioning the other party, and their obligations in reference to their status. Should any of these aspects are not met; one or both parties would attempt to â€Å"repair† the communication by neutralizing and restoring the normative order as dictated by culture who considers the language being used as its native language. This is most exemplified in intercultural communication when an individual speaks in a language that is not native to him or her where the individual tries various methods like mimicking in order to make himself or herself understood (106, 108). The third article focused more on the reactions of the receiver of the message in a communication process. The article aimed to identify factors that affect the judgment of an individual involved interpersonal communication (Spencer-Oatey, 336-337). Spencer-Oatey defined culture as an indistinct collection of attitudes, beliefs, assumptions and values shared by a group of people which influence an individual’s behavior and how the individual views another’s behavior which has a major impact in scenarios where intercultural issues are present (338-339). Contrary to Blommaert’s statement, the author believes that culture is not always manifested depending on the situation when intercultural communication is present. She stated that on some occasions, certain very deep-seeded cultural traits will manifest itself in the intercultural communication process regardless if the situation makes it conducive or not (340). This is because individuals have the freedom to choose whether to uphold, modify or abandon his or her cultural practices when communicating. Culture, then is not manifested in a single encounter. Rather, it becomes only apparent when patterns in communicating develop (342). She did, however, agree that what goes on in an intercultural communication cannot be accurately predicted (345). In the article, John Gumperz specified the variation that occurs in intercultural communication between a native and non-native speaker are the â€Å"different conventions of communication, different speech styles, narrative patterns, in short, the deployment of different communicative repertoires† (qtd. in Spencer-Oatey, 343). The author concluded the article stating that more research is needed in order to fully understand intercultural communication. Unlike Blommaert who recommended that further research must concentrate in being able to gain an agreement between parties in the communication process to occur (30), Spencer-Oatey stated that in order to understand the process, the research should be continuous since intercultural communication occurs in relationships that have spanned for a long period of time (346). To summarize, intercultural communication refers to the interaction between two parties belonging to two different cultures where the culture of each party is manifested in the communication process depending on the length of time the interaction has been taking place and the situation surrounding the communication activity. Culture was defined in the texts as a vague group of attitudes, beliefs, behavioral principles, assumptions and values shared by a group of individuals that influence their conduct as well as how they interpret the behavior another. Finally, certain variations occur in intercultural communication between a native to the language being used and a non-native using the same language in order to be understood by the other. These variations include mimicking, speech styles and narrative patterns. Works Cited